StarSpell App

The StarSpell Web App brings the carefully graded lists and words from StarSpell 3.1 into a new cloud-based experience, and adds some great new features.
- Create Assignments in Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Show My Homework and more
- Single sign-on (SSO) to reduce costs
- New Teacher mode
- Suitable for all ages
- Carefully graded spelling lists
- Free Printed worksheets with no registration required
- Topic lists - great for exam preparation
- Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check
- Hundreds of word lists
- Thousands of words, contextual sentences and images
- Supports and extends the statutory requirements for English Spelling of the National Curriculum in England 2014, with specific word lists
- Phonics section matching the English Letters and Sounds programme
- Ideal for individual use and one-on-one work, as well as large screen or interactive whiteboard
- Great for dyslexics and SEN
- Great alternative to Spelling Shed and Wordshark
Requirements: Google Classroom or Microsoft sign-in. Windows, Android or IOS device with a modern web browser.
Create Assignments in Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Show My Homework and more.
Single sign-on (SSO) reduces costs.
For Teachers and Students.
Teacher mode for one-on-one or group tuition, on screen or whiteboard.
Designed for PC, MAC, iPad, Tablets and phones.
Runs on any device.**
At school and in the home
StarSpell is used at school and in the home.
Educationally sound and gimmick-free, StarSpell was created in conjunction with Margaret Hughes, an author, Educational Consultant, and a specialist in the learning of literacy.
StarSpell has been helping teachers to teach, and students to learn for more than 25 years.

Motivating, multi-sensory learning experience
The StarSpell Spelling mode is based upon the proven Look-Cover-Write-Check routine, enhancing it with sound, pictures and a supporting sentence, to create a powerful multi-sensory memorisation activity.
StarSpell uses both sentences and images to add context, which also assists with general literacy learning.

Carefully Graded Lists
StarSpell's main Spelling Lists contain more than 5,000 words, all of which are spoken, and organised according to Starspell's own phonic progression.
This carefully graded phonic sequence ensures that each word-list introduces only the one new letter-sound match belonging to that list. For example, church can't be in the "ur" list, because, with the "ur" list coming before the list introducing "ch", the learner hasn't yet met "ch".
The Prefixes, Suffixes and Roots lists introduce the study of morphemes and, coupled with the Further Explorations lists, provide some good material for etymological study.
The Curriculum Subject lists, for English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography and more, are a great resource for more advanced students to use during exam preparation.
There is a Phonics section for early learners, and further lists that support and extend the National Curriculum in England.

Teacher mode
The all new Teacher mode, great for big screen or whiteboard, is FREE for use in the classroom.
This mode is more interactive, and allows you to set the pace.
Teachers can also print Spelling Worksheets for all Spelling Exercises, including those that they create themselves.

Add your own words and lists
It's simple to add custom words and lists, so that spelling lists from any school can be practiced at home.

Learn how to spell.
Teach how to spell.
At home or in school.
On any device.
* An Internet connection is needed to use the app. There is no charge for using the StarSpell App during the preview period. You will ne notified by email when the preview period is coming to an end. You will need to purchase a subscription if you wish to continue using the StarSpell App after the preview period has ended.
** A modern web browser is required - please try on your device before you buy.
Browser-based, single sign-on, designed to work on all devices running IOS, Android or Windows.
School/Tutor Licence
For the whole school
For a single class of up to 36 students
Additional Classroom
For each additional class of up to 36 students
Requires StarSpell Classroom
Home/Student Licence
For one student to use at home or in school