StarSpell Word Lists

Yr2 to KS3 Lists (Not 3.1)

Consists of a set of termly objectives for Key Stage 2, together with sets of useful words for individual subjects in Key Stage 3. Not in StarSpell 3.1

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Year 2 Term 1

i. phoneme /ai/

/ai/ as in nail
nail brain aim paint rain snail train wait
/ai/ as in cake
cake flame game late made same scales scrape
/ai/ as in baby
baby lady shady
/ai/ as in spray
spray crayon day play say away stay tray way
/ai/ as in great
great break
mixed /ai/ phoneme
cake paint snail spray flame great train play tray baby

i. phoneme /ee/

/ee/ as in tree
tree feet green need screen sleep speed street sweet feel
/ee/ as in beak
beak beach heat meal steam stream team seat
/ee/ as in swede
swede theme these complete delete
/ee/ as in thief
thief chief brief field grief shield shriek relief diesel belief
mixed /ee/ phoneme
meal feel team speed steam street field thief these

i. phoneme /igh/

/igh/ as in pie
pie lie die tie
/igh/ as in fly
fly my cry dry by fry sky try why reply
/igh/ as in kite
bike time like slide five white line quite dislike inside
/igh/ as in night
night high right sigh thigh tight
mixed /igh/ phoneme
blind crime wild pie tight thigh try kind slide

i. phoneme /oa/

/oa/ as in coat
coat coach coal coast boat float foam loaf road soap
/oa/ as in note
note home hope hole rose stone stroke woke pole
/oa/ as in window
window grow show slow throw flow yellow
/oa/ as in toe
toe hoe foe woe goes
/oo/ as in do
do to two who undo into
mixed /oa/ phoneme
float hope grow throw told stone coast coal stroke coach roll

i. phonemes /(y)oo/ /oo/

/(y)oo/ as in newt
newt few new dew stew
/(y)oo/ as in cube
cube compute fuse tube tune use
/oo/ as in screw
screw crew drew flew grew chew threw
/oo/ as in flute
flute crude brute June plume rude rule
/oo/ as in boot
boot too zoo cool food moon pool soon rooftop
/oo/ as in blue
blue clue glue true untrue
mixed /oo/ (food) phoneme
grew smooth brute blue threw tooth crude true

ii. Adding '-ing' and '-ed' to verbs

'-ing' for typical words
bending costing visiting twisting sulking standing singing resting
'-ed' for typical words
aimed asked lifted melted jumped growled looked puffed
'-ing' for words ending in e
hoping baking braking caring diving moving slicing writing
'-ed' for words ending in e
hoped lived moved dared dated amused bored used
-'ing' for single consonant ending
digging getting grinning hopping jogging planning swimming writing
'-ed' for single consonant ending
hopped nodded slammed stopped sunned preferred
'-ing' for words ending in y
crying drying frying tidying carrying
'-ed' for words ending in y
cried dried fried replied hurried denied

Year 2 Term 2

i. Compound words

High-frequency compound words
everyone everybody everything nowhere nobody anyone anywhere anybody someone something
Compound words
paintbrush birthday greenhouse downstairs football outside waterfall farmyard weekend dustbin earthquake inside

ii. Adding suffixes to form plurals

Add '-s' for typical nouns
beds boys cards chips dogs legs pins toys ears
Change y to i and add 'es'
babies ponies stories armies puppies cities families

ii. Adding suffixes to form adjectives

Add '-ful' to form adjective
peaceful hopeful powerful faithful beautiful harmful cheerful careful grateful useful
Add '-y' to form adjective
funny foggy spotty shady messy lucky greedy dirty tasty shiny
Add '-less' to form adjective
careless pointless aimless senseless restless effortless

Year 2 Term 3

i. 'un' and 'dis' prefixes

Use 'un-' to show negative
untidy untrue undo unsafe untwist unfair unwell unwanted
Use 'dis-' to show neagative
dislike disagree disappear disconnect disloyal distrust disease disorder

ii. Multisyllabic words

Multisyllabic words 1
unwanted truthful fanciful powerful cheerful another something however pretending colourful
Multisyllabic words 2
happily merciful uncertain disagree standing winning grandfather tomorrow together

Year 3 Term 1

i. '-le' endings

'-ckle' endings
buckle pickled tickles trickles
'-able' endings
table cable enable enjoyable unstable breakable
double letter + 'le'
apple bubble cuddle dribble middle little bottle
'-cle' endings
cycle uncle bicycle obstacle circle miracle
'-dle' endings
candle cradle bundle handle poodle ladle sidle
'-ble' endings
able double grumble trouble
'-ible' endings
sensible visible invisible impossible
'-ple' endings
simple example purple triple

ii. Verb endings

'-s' like most verbs
works looks starts needs plays cooks
'-ing' like most verbs
carpeting happening limiting targeting visiting
'-ed' like most verbs
jumped painted sailed shouted rested rained waited
'-s' verb ends in 1 consonant
trots flaps laps wags
'-ing' verb ends in 1 consonant
digging getting hopping rubbing swimming
'-ed' verb ends in 1 consonant
knitted nodded slammed grabbed hopped sunned
'-ies' verb ends in consonant 'y'
cries carries worries tries
'-ing' verb ends in consonant 'y'
carrying crying gratifying tidying
'-ied' verb ends in consonant 'y'
fried married worried cried dried hurried buried
'-s' verb ends in 'e'
tickles uses lives likes
'-ing' verb ends in 'e'
writing coming hoping caring moving
'-ed' verb ends in e
amused dared droned hoped moved lived
'-es' verb ends in hiss or buzz
washes searches watches fixes
'-ing' verb ends in hiss or buzz
stitching munching touching washing mixing
'-ed' verb ends in hiss or buzz
snatched perched switched reached crashed dressed flashed
irregular past tenses
grew caught went woke sang told taught blew spoke found did swam came said wept

Year 3 Term 2

i. Rules for plurals

add 's' like most nouns
twins dogs birds bones bricks apples toes
noun ends in a hiss or buzz
kisses brushes coaches boxes matches
noun ends in a vowel then 'y'
monkeys guys keys boys toys trays ways
noun ends in consonant then 'y'
babies cities daisies families pennies ponies puppies stories

ii. '-er' '-est' comparatives

comparatives '-er' typical
deeper higher longer older smaller taller
comparatives '-est' typical
deepest highest longest oldest smallest tallest
comparatives '-er' -e words
fiercer simpler whiter later larger
comparatives '-est' -e words
fiercest largest latest simplest whitest
comparatives '-er' short vowels
bigger hotter redder
comparatives '-est short vowels
biggest reddest hottest
comparatives '-er' -y words
easier funnier happier healthier
comparatives '-est' -y words
easiest funniest happiest healthiest

ii. '-ly' '-ful' '-less' '-able' suffixes

'-ly' suffixes
friendly lonely beastly cowardly motherly unfriendly bodily
'-ful' suffixes
armful hopeful colourful faithful mouthful powerful spoonful useful
'-less' suffixes
restless aimless careless pointless senseless breathless effortless
'-able' suffixes
enjoyable drinkable breakable acceptable comfortable renewable reasonable
'-er' as in builder
announcer builder cleaner composer defender farmer helper

Year 3 Term 3

i. Pronouns

subject pronouns I, she etc.
I you he she it we they
object pronouns me, him etc.
me you him her it us them
possessive pronouns mine etc.
mine yours hers ours theirs
reflexive pronouns myself etc.
myself yourself herself himself itself
possessive determiners my etc.
my your his her its our their
this that these those

ii. Common prefixes

'de-' undo
defrost decode decamp deforested dethrone
're-' do again
renew replace review rehouse replay
'pre-' before
prehistoric preschool prepacked precooked prefix
'mis-' do wrongly
mishap mislead misprint misspell mistimed mistreat misunderstood misuse
'non-' not
nonconformist nondescript nonentity nonplussed
'anti-' against
antiseptic anticlimax antidote antifreeze anticlockwise
'un-' as an opposite
uncertain unfair unfriendly unknown untidy untrue unwell unsafe uncertain unfair unfriendly unknown untidy untrue unwell unsafe
'dis-' as negative
disagree disappear disease dislike disconnect distrust disorder
prefixes for words ending in '-ed'
uncovered prepacked precooked deforested

ii. Add prefixes to existing words

add 'anti-' to make a new word
anti-rust anti-work anti-noise anti-wrinkle
add 'ex-' to make a new word
ex-boyfriend ex-convict ex-serviceman ex-king ex-parrot ex-egg
add 'pre-' to make a new word
pre-punched pre-Roman pre-book
add 'pro-' to make a new word
pro-British pro-hunting pro-fitness pro-cycling

Year 4 Term 1

i. Homophones

long phoneme /ai/
great grate rain reign rein wait weight weigh way
long phoneme /air/
bear bare pair pear their there stair stare
long phoneme /ee/
flea flee meat meet read reed peace piece
long phoneme /oa/
sew so lone loan road rowed
spellings of /ole/
hole whole soul sole hold holed bold bowled
long phoneme /or/
board bored for four saw sore
phoneme /n/
knot not knew new know no knight night
phoneme /r/
write right wring ring wrap rap
phoneme /s/
cereal serial licence license practice practise
vowel phonemes
some sum your you're wood would threw through piece peace
consonant phonemes
hole whole write right one won know no knew new where wear
3-way homophones
two too to their there they're

ii. Rules for plurals

simply add 's' to make a plural
animals balloons beds birds chips chiefs fireworks roofs
kiss > kisses
kisses brushes coaches boxes matches
half > halves
halves knives loaves shelves thieves wives wolves
baby > babies
babies cities daisies families pennies ponies puppies stories
monkey > monkeys
monkeys guys keys boys toys trays ways
hero > heroes
heroes dominoes echoes cargoes potatoes tomatoes volcanoes
kilo > kilos
kilos photos pianos radios solos videos
irregular plurals
children women feet geese teeth lice mice men sheep salmon

Year 4 Term 2

i. Words with common letter strings

sounds of 'igh'
light fight night right bright knight fright eight weight height
sounds of 'ough'
rough enough cough thought thorough through tough bough dough
sounds of 'ear'
bear hear wear spear learn fear earth

ii. Suffixes change function of words

to verbs ('-ate', '-en', '-ify', '-ise')
circulate vaccinate lengthen strengthen beautify glorify fossilise itemise idolise
to nouns ('-tion', 'ity', '-ness')
education creation subtraction reality activity generosity happiness kindness darkness readiness

ii. Change words adding '-ible', '-able'

terrible sensible accessible collapsible digestible flexible responsible reversible irresistible
comfortable acceptable breakable disposable variable irreplaceable reasonable renewable

ii. Suffixes '-al', '-ary', '-ic', '-ist'

electrical emotional magical industrial official personal usual rehearsal survival approval burial
documentary secondary stationary summary imaginary dispensary
artistic alcoholic athletic demonic historic magnetic metallic
guitarist pianist journalist soloist scientist cyclist florist chemist

Year 4 Term 3

i. Word contractions

we are > we're
we're you're they're I'm
he has, he is > he's
he's she's it's there's where's
we will, we shall > we'll
we'll they'll she'll it'll I'll
I have > I've
I've we've could've should've might've must've
you had, you would > you'd
you'd he'd I'd she'd they'd
do not > don't
don't can't isn't wasn't haven't won't shan't couldn't didn't

ii. Prefixes and meaning

'mis-' not, do wrongly
mishap mislead misprint misspell mistimed mistreat misunderstood misuse
'ex-' outside, out of
exit excluding excursion excavate except export extract
're-' again
renew replace review rehouse replay
'de-' undo
defrost decode decamp deforested dethrone
'pre-' before
prehistoric preschool prepacked precooked prefix
'un-' as undoing actions
unload unearth uncover undo untwist unwrap
'anti-' against
antiseptic anticlimax antidote antifreeze anticlockwise

ii. Latin (+ Greek) prefixes

'auto-' self
autograph automatic automobile autopilot
'circ- round, around
circumference circus circulate circle circular circumstance
'bi-' two, twice
bicycle binoculars binary biscuit
'tele-' far
television telegram telepathy telephone telescope
'trans-' across
transfer transatlantic transform translate transmit transparent transport

ii. Affixes for diminutives

'mini-' diminutive
minimum minibus
'-ette' diminutive
courgette cassette cigarette maisonette marionette serviette
'-ling' diminutive
gosling nestling seedling underling yearling
'micro-' little
microphone microscope microwave
'-let' diminutive
droplet booklet leaflet piglet ringlet starlet
'-ule' diminutive
globule capsule granule minuscule module molecule

ii. Prefixes for numbers

'uni-' one
unicorn uniform unique unit
'bi-', 'bin-' twice
binoculars binary bicycle biscuit
'tri-' three
tricycle triple trio tripod
'quad-' four
quadrilateral quadrant quadruplet
'pent-' five
pentagon pentathlon
'hex-' 'hept-' 'sept-' six, seven
hexagon heptagon September
'oct-' eight
October octagon octopus
'dec-' ten
decagon decimal decathlon December
'cent-' hundred
centurion centipede century

ii. Further Latin prefixes

'aqua-' water
aquarium aquamarine aqualung
'audi-' hear
audible audition audio-visual audience
'multi-' many
multitude multiple multipurpose multiply
'prim-' first
primary primate prime primitive

Year 5 Term 1

i. Unstressed letters

unstressed vowel
company portable poisonous interesting description carpet freedom extra
unstressed or silent consonants
Wednesday February engulf government handbag castle sign scent hour calf

ii. Spoken in different ways

sounds of 'ight'
right fight light night eight weight height freight straight
sounds of 'ear'
bear hear wear spear learn fear earth
sounds of 'oo'
foolish balloon wooden door floor shampoo cooperate childhood
sounds of 'ough'
rough enough cough thought thorough through tough bough dough
sounds of 'ie'
lie pie cries chief field thief friend tries
sounds of 'our'
four hour journey behaviour colour courtship fourteen encourage
sounds of 'ea'
already theatre area beach beautiful bread cleaner idea ocean reality
sounds of 'ou'
ground couple shouted route double adventurous should wounded

ii. Spelled differently but same sound

beautician electrician magician musician optician politician
confusion fusion precision profusion revision tension
fiction fraction connection addition proportion nation education
mission compression confession discussion expression impression possession

Year 5 Term 2

i. Rules for 'c' followed by a vowel

'ci' sounds as /s/
circus cinema city circle decide acid citizen civil fanciful pencil council
'ci' sounds as /sh/
artificial conscience conscious crucial efficient official precious social special sufficient
words containing 'ce'
ceiling century cell December deceive decent parcel recent uncertain receive
words containing 'cy'
accuracy fancy bicycle cyclist piracy mercy
words containing 'ca'
camera candle local forecast delicate musical vocal carpet careless
words containing 'co'
coat cobweb coffee cough barcode record second

ii. Prefixes meaning 'not'

'in-' as negative
incredible inactive indignity inhuman insincere invalid
'im-' as negative
impossible impatient immortal immature imperfect impolite
'ir-' as negative
irregular irrelevant irreplaceable irresistible irresponsible irreversible irrational
'il-' as negative
illegal illegible illicit illogical
'non-' as negative
nonconformist nondescript nonentity nonplussed non-fiction
'anti-' as negative
antiseptic anticlimax anticlockwise antifreeze antidote antibiotic

Year 5 Term 3

i. Vowel suffixes

'-ing' dig > digging
digging getting hopping rubbing swimming
'-ing' with eye, -ie, -o, -oe
lying hoeing eyeing shoeing tying vetoing echoing radioing
'-ing' write > writing
writing coming hoping caring moving
'-ing', '-ly' carry >carrying
carrying crying gratifying shyly tidying
'-ed' grab > grabbed
grabbed hopped knitted slammed sunned nodded
'-ed' amuse > amused
amused dared dated droned hoped moved
'-ed' cry > cried
cried dried fried hurried married worried buried
hot > hotter > hottest
hotter hottest redder reddest bigger biggest
large > larger > largest
larger largest whiter whitest simpler simplest fiercer fiercest later latest
happy > happier > happiest
happier happiest funnier funniest easier easiest healthier healthiest
'-able' reason > reasonable
reasonable breakable drinkable enjoyable bookable acceptable
'-ish' fool > foolish
foolish darkish fiendish babyish greenish outlandish smallish
'-ous' joined with a vowel
courageous outrageous various mysterious furious ambiguous continuous superfluous

i. Consonant suffixes

'-ful' spoon > spoonful
spoonful armful bucketful cupful mouthful
'-ful' faith > faithful
faithful colourful careful harmful useful powerful truthful peaceful
'-ful' beauty > beautiful
beautiful merciful fanciful
'-ment' measure > measurement
measurement advertisement movement payment treatment development engagement
'-less' care > careless
careless airless breathless aimless countless effortless pointless
'-ly' bad > badly
badly quietly quickly silently suddenly slowly wrongly
'-ly' queen > queenly
queenly cowardly friendly motherly beastly
'-ly' brave > bravely
bravely lonely loudly quietly silently slowly suddenly
'-ly' happy > happily
happily bodily busily angrily easily hungrily noisily
'-ness' sad > sadness
sadness fitness goodness kindness sickness carelessness eagerness darkness
'-ness' busy > business
business happiness bossiness juiciness readiness

ii. Latin roots

'-aqua-' water
aquarium aquamarine aqueduct subaqua aqualung
'-port-' carry
portable import report support export transport
'-miss-' send
missile omission permission transmission commission missionary admission
'-ann-' year
anniversary annual annuity biennial perennial
'-cav-' hollow
excavate cave cavity concave
'-duc-' lead
aqueduct conductor duke introduce product deduct ductile education
'-fort-' strong
comfort effort force fortify fortress reinforce
'-mort-' death
murderous mortgage mortal mortify immortal
'-pend-' hang
pendant appendix depend independent pending suspense pendulum
'-scrib-' write
scribe inscribe scribble description postscript script nondescript
'-terr-' the earth
subterranean inter extraterrestrial terrace terrain terrier
'-vis-' see
invisible advice provide revision television videos survey envy
'mob' move
automobile mobile mobility
'prim-' first
primary primate prime primitive

ii. Greek roots

'hydro-' water
hydrofoil hydrogen dehydrated hydraulic hydrotherapy
'-phil-' love
philatelist philanthropist philosopher anglophile
'-photo-' light
photocopier photograph photogenic photon photosynthesis telephoto
'-techne-' art or skill
technician technology technophobia technical polytechnic pyrotechnics technique
'-graph-' writing
autograph paragraph photograph graphite geography graph
'-logo-' word
dialogue prologue biology illogical technology
'-scope' view
microscope periscope telescope scope stethoscope
'-gram-' letter
hologram diagram grammar programme anagram
'-phon-' sound
microphone telephone symphony cacophony phonetics
'-poli-' city
politician politics cosmopolitan metropolis
'-theo-' a god
theology atheist enthusiasm
'-zoo-' animal
zoo zoology zodiac protozoan
'-ast-' star
asteroid astronomy asterisk disaster astronaut
'-chron-' time
anachronism chronic chronicle synchronous chronology
'-bio-' life
amphibious biography biology antibiotic biosphere

Year 6 Term 1

i. Homophones

long phoneme /ai/
great grate rain reign rein wait weight weigh way
long phoneme /air/
bear bare pair pear their there stair stare
long phoneme /ee/
flea flee meat meet read reed peace piece
long phoneme /oa/
sew so lone loan road rowed
spellings of /ole/
hole whole soul sole hold holed bold bowled
long phoneme /or/
board bored for four saw sore
phoneme /n/
knot not knew new know no knight night
phoneme /r/
write right wring ring wrap rap
phoneme /s/
cereal serial licence license practice practise
consonant phonemes
hole whole write right one won know no knew new where wear
3-way homophones
two too to their there they're
other homophones
deer dear allowed aloud lessen lesson weather whether

i. Words often misspelled

are letters doubled? 1
occurred occurrence omission omitted reference referred
are letters doubled? 2
prefer preference preferred transfer transferable transferred
awkward words 1
journey leisure medicine people quarter vehicle water woman women yacht
awkward words 2
beautiful separate desperate embarrassed especially exaggerate interesting lovely opposite suppose
confusing homophones 1
check cheque canvas canvass currant current
confusing homophones 2
stationery stationary licence license principal principle practice practise formerly formally
words often confused 1
accept except advice advise loose lose quiet quite wander wonder were where
words often confused 2
human humane decease disease emigrant immigrant affect effect eligible illegible eminent imminent

i. Syllables and spelling

compound words
birthday dustbin handbag lipstick milkman notebook sunset windmill
split like kit-ten
kitten hidden cotton lesson paddock puffin rabbit sudden
split like bas-ket
basket napkin plastic pumpkin zebra panda picnic trumpet
split like lem-on
lemon finish habit body metal robin shadow visit
split like la-bel
label hotel minus moment pilot pupil secret silent stupid
split like du-et
duet diet lion poem triumph

i. Patterns in word endings

'-il' as in daffodil
daffodil council civil fossil lentil pencil stencil utensil
'-ery' as in jewellery
jewellery machinery stationery confectionery embroidery finery lottery
'-ar' as in cellar
cellar collar mortar sugar vinegar
'-ey' as in donkey
donkey chimney honey journey money monkey turkey valley
'-le' as in cradle
cradle cable ladle maple noble sidle table
'-le' as in ankle
ankle bundle candle handle grumble nimble simple single
'-le' as in apple
apple battle bottle bubble cuddle dribble gobble middle
'-el' as in angel
angel kennel label level model parcel quarrel travel

ii. Connectives

narrative connectives
before later until meanwhile finally
connectives to explain, contrast
because furthermore moreover however although besides instead however
compound word connectives
furthermore nevertheless meanwhile moreover notwithstanding however

Year 6 Term 2

i. Unstressed vowels

unstressed vowel
company portable poisonous interesting description carpet freedom extra

ii. Prefixes for negation

'un-' as negative
unfair unearth uncover unknown unsafe unwell unwrap unwanted unload uncertain undo
'de-' undo
defrost decode decamp deforested dethrone
'dis-' as negative
disagree disappear disease dislike disconnect distrust disorder
'anti-' against
antiseptic anticlimax antidote antifreeze anticlockwise
'non-' not
nonconformist nondescript nonentity nonplussed
'il-' as negative
illegal illegible illicit illogical
'ir-' as negative
irregular irrelevant irreplaceable irresistible irresponsible irreversible irrational

ii. Word to noun suffixes

collection decoration description information invention pollution election exploration explanation reflection variation
readiness fitness freshness goodness kindness happiness sickness bossiness business eagerness
ability activity agility generosity mobility reality flexibility
assistant immigrant servant informant attendant descendant inhabitant
cleaner builder farmer painter speaker teacher worker
actor editor narrator sailor sculptor visitor director
appearance performance attendance clearance disturbance allowance
mechanism criticism hypnotism idealism realism terrorism vandalism
'-ment' measure > measurement
measurement advertisement movement payment treatment development engagement
guitarist pianist journalist soloist scientist cyclist florist chemist
postage coverage leakage passage blockage wastage

ii. Noun to verb suffixes

fossilise idolise itemise legalise patronise
beautify glorify mummify notify signify solidify
activate motivate vaccinate circulate
lengthen strengthen

ii. Suffixes for tenses

present tense '-es'
goes does cries carries hurries tries worries
'-ed' grab > grabbed
grabbed hopped knitted slammed sunned nodded
'-ed' amuse > amused
amused dared dated droned hoped moved
'-ed' cry > cried
cried dried fried hurried married worried buried
'-ed' video > videoed
videoed echoed radioed vetoed
'-ing' write > writing
writing coming hoping caring moving
'-ing' carry > carrying
carrying tidying frying drying gratifying crying
'-ing' dig > digging
digging getting hopping rubbing swimming
'-ing' grin > grinning
grinning referring travelling dialling stirring winning planning beginning
'-ing' carpet > carpeting
carpeting happening limiting targeting visiting
'-ing' with eye, -ie, -o, -oe
lying hoeing eyeing shoeing tying vetoing echoing radioing

ii. Comparatives

high > higher
higher deeper longer older smaller taller younger
high > highest
highest oldest deepest fastest tallest longest smallest youngest
'-ish' fool > foolish
foolish darkish fiendish babyish greenish outlandish smallish
'-like' war > warlike
warlike childlike ghostlike lifelike sportsmanlike businesslike

Year 6 Term 3

i. Spelling patterns

wreck wrap wren wrench wring wrist write wrong
comb climb crumb lamb limb numb thumb tomb
catalogue intrigue league plague rogue tongue vague
catch hutch kitchen match pitch scratch stretch switch witch
picture structure punctuate actually manufacture nocturnal punctuation
knife kneel knew knee knight knit knob knock knot
gnome gnarled gnash gnat design reign sign
rhea rhombus rhyme rhythm rhino rhubarb rhetorical

ii. Approaching roots

'bi-' two, twice
bicycle binoculars binary biscuit
'quad-' four
quadrilateral quadrant quadruplet
'super-' over
supervisor superimposed superlative supernatural supersede supersonic superstitious superfluous
'-spec-' see
perspective prospect suspect respect
'-tract-' pull
tractor attractive extract subtract subtraction
'micro-' little
microphone microscope microwave

ii. Investigate roots

'con-' together
concert concern condemn confront connect conquer contain continue
'-struct-' build
structure construction obstruct destruction instruct instructions infrastructure
'-phobia' fear
technophobia hydrophobic
'-ology' study
biology zoology mythology theology meteorology technology chronology
'pre-' before
predict prefer preserve preside presume pretend prevent
'audi-' hear
audible audition audio-visual audience
'aero-' air
aeroplane aerobatics aerobics aerodrome aerodynamic
'-port-' carry
portable import report support export transport
'ex-' outside, out of
exit excluding excursion excavate except export extract

ii. Practise roots

'-aqua-' water
aquarium aquamarine aqualung
'man-' hand
manufacture manicure manipulate manuscript management
'min-' small
minimum minibus minim minimises
'mari-' sea
submarine aquamarine ultramarine
'-multi-' many
multiply multiple multitude multimedia multipurpose multiplication

ii. Further roots

'-cede-' yield
precede precedent concede recede
'-clude-' close
include exclude conclude secluded
'-cred-' believe
incredible credible credit discredit
'-photo-' light
photocopier photograph photogenic photon photosynthesis telephoto
'-scrib-' write
scribe inscribe scribble description postscript script nondescript
'sub-' under
submarine subject subdue submerged subside subtract suburbs
'-vis-' sight
visible visual television visit advise supervisor invisible revise improvise

KS1 high frequency words

Early words

people words 1
we he me she
people words 2
my they you all
being words
is are am was can
doing words 1
like said go get went
doing words 2
look going play come see
where words
up on at to in
cat day dog mum dad
other words 1
and the of it
other words 2
for this away big no yes

'People' words

people words
her him our their them us your

'Being and doing' words

being words 1
be been were had has have will
being words 2
may must can't don't could would should
doing words 1
do did came got live made saw want
doing words 2
called lived put ran make seen take look
doing words 3
dig help jump laugh love push pull

'When and where' words

when words 1
next once then first last
when words 2
after again just now
where words 1
by down with here there
where words 2
about out off over from

Nouns (names of things)

nouns 1
house home school tree ball name
nouns 2
night time bed door way water

Words before nouns

words before nouns 1
an some these that one two three
words before nouns 2
another many more good little old

Other lists

joining-up words
as because but if or so than
other frequent words
not too very much back
question words
how what when where who

Numbers, days, months, colours

days of the week
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
January February March April May June July August September October November December
numbers 1 to 10
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
numbers 11 to 20
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty
colour words
blue red yellow green black white purple brown

Alphabetical lists

about to as
about after again an another as
back to boy
back ball be because bed been boy
brother to could
brother but by call called came can't could
did to first
did dig do don't door down first
from to has
from girl good got had half has
have to home
have help her here him his home
house to laugh
house how if jump just last laugh
little to many
little live lived love made make man many
may to next
May more much must name new next
night to one
night not now off old once one
or to pull
or our out over people push pull
put to sister
put ran saw school seen should sister
so to their
so some take than that their
them to time
them then there these three time
too to very
too took tree two us very
want to when
want water way were what when
where to your
where who will with would your

Yr R alphabetical

all to are
all am and are
at to can
at away big can
cat to dog
cat come dad day dog
for to he
for get go going he
in to look
in is it like look
me to of
me mum my no of
on to she
on play said see she
the to up
the they this to up
was to you
was we went yes you

KS2 medium frequency


some useful verbs 1
began being does coming might show told walk walking write
some useful verbs 2
change found heard leave tries watch
verbs, adding '-ed'
asked jumped opened started turned used walked stopped
verbs, past and present
brought goes gone knew know think thought woke woken
verbs, contractions
can't didn't don't I'm


some nouns 1
baby balloon birthday brother children clothes garden head word work world
some nouns 2
earth eyes father friends lady money mother paper sister window

Time words

time words 1
always before before during never often sometimes suddenly
time words 2
morning year today first second still until while

Whereabouts words

whereabouts words 1
above across along around below between high inside
whereabouts words 2
near outside round through together under where

Other useful words

useful words
almost any better every half much number only upon young
further useful words
great happy heard something sure swimming those
more useful words
place also both different following other right such without
yet more useful words
important light own small sound white whole why

Alphabetical lists

above across almost along also always animals any around asked
baby balloon before began being below better between birthday both brother brought
C to D
can't change children clothes coming didn't different does don't during
E to F
earth every eyes father first follow following found friends
G to H
garden goes gone great half happy head heard high
I to L
I'm important inside jumped knew know lady leave light
M to N
might money morning mother much near never number
O to R
often only opened other outside own paper place right round
second show sister small something sometimes sound started stopped such suddenly sure swimming
think those thought through today together told tries turn turned
U to white
under until upon used walk walked walking watch where while white
whole to Z
whole why window without woke woken word world write year young

KS3 subject lists


forms of art
abstract frieze landscape perspective portrait sketch
tools and materials
acrylic charcoal colour easel palette kiln
talking about art
collection dimension display exhibition gallery spectrum
collage crosshatch highlight illusion pastel impasto foreground

Design + Technology

carbohydrate flour hygiene ingredient knife knives natural nutrition protein recipe vitamin
fabric fibre linen polyester sew tension textile
aesthetic brief design flowchart innovation portfolio specification technology
component disassemble evaluation machine manufacture mineral presentation production technology


the show
applause curtain entrance exit freeze perform performance theatre theatrical
character characteristics director lighting position rehearse rehearsal share spotlight stage movement
dramatise improvise inspire playwright scene scenario script


the writer's craft
alliteration figurative imagery metaphor onomatopoeia personification rhyme synonym simile
structure of words
consonant plural prefix suffix vowel
clause comma conjunction exclamation grammar paragraph preposition subordinate apostrophe
advertise advertisement genre myth narrative narrator tabloid
talking about text
chorus atmosphere comparison dialogue expression playwright resolution scene soliloquy


atlas contour country county globe latitude longitude
amenity employment habitat infrastructure nation national poverty tourist tourism wealth provision
abroad authority desert estuary international location region regional rural settlement urban
general terms
climate erosion function landscape physical pollution situation transport transportation weather


citizen civilisation disease emigration immigrant
agriculture agricultural economy economic economical trade
cathedral priest Protestant religious
colony colonisation dynasty constitutional government imperialism imperial independence parliament politics political reign republic
terms (general)
chronology chronological contradict contradiction current document motive propaganda bias source
castle conflict defence invasion rebel rebellion revolt revolution siege traitor


handling information
binary byte cursor data database delete document justify megabyte
cartridge CD-ROM computer disk electronic hardware memory modem monitor processor scanner module
icon input interactive interface keyboard multimedia output password preview sensor
cable connect connection internet network server
graphic program software spreadsheet virus


book types
anthology dictionary fantasy genre non-fiction magazine novel romance series thesaurus encyclopaedia
author editor librarian publisher
alphabet alphabetical catalogue classification irrelevant irrelevance relevant relevance system
inside books
article content copyright extract glossary index section


addition approximately average calculate divide division estimate guess multiply multiplication subtraction
arithmetic terms
denominator digit fraction minus negative numerator percentage positive ratio recurring decimal
triangles & angles
adjacent alternate angle degree perpendicular vertex vertical corresponding equilateral isosceles vertices
circumference diameter parallelogram perimeter quadrilateral triangle triangular square rhombus radius
centimetre kilogram kilometre litre measure metre tonne volume weight amount
axis axes horizontal parallel reflect reflection regular irregular rotate rotation symmetry symmetrical
algebra and graphs
co-ordinate equation graph


choir conductor instrument musician orchestra orchestral percussion synchronise syncopation tempo timbre
composition dynamics harmony instrumental melody lyric octave ostinato pitch rhythm score ternary triad vocal
reading music
chord chromatic crotchet interval major minim minor quaver semibreve


athlete athletic field league pitch qualify relay squad tactic tournament
parts of body
biceps hamstring injury medicine mobile mobility muscle quadriceps triceps
active activity agile agility exercise gym gymnastic personal


approve approval control discipline discussion encourage encouragement gender involve involvement prefer preference pressure reality reward
communication dependent relationship represent representative
problem areas
addict addiction racism racist sanction sexism sexist stereotype dependency
able ability achieve achievement effort emotion emotional generous generosity


Buddhist Buddhism Christian creation Hindu Hinduism Islam Israel Judaism Jewish Muslim Sikh Sikhism
baptism burial celebrate celebration ceremony festival funeral marriage wedding
Bible commitment disciple hymn pilgrim pilgrimage pray prayer religious religion shrine spiritual synagogue temple mosque
symbols and signs
miracle prophet sign special spirit symbol
biblical commandment immoral immorality moral morality parable prejudice


apparatus chemical hazard laboratory method temperature thermometer vessel
other processes
combustion condensation evaporation exchange freeze friction pressure
acid alkaline element frequency liquid oxygen particles solution
amphibian insect mammal organism predator vertebrate
life processes
cycle digest digestion growth nutrient reproduce respire respiration circulate circulation function

KS3 words + helpful spellings

acco- To audi-

word list
accommodation actually alcohol although analyse analysis argument assessment atmosphere audible audience
practise although
also always although already almost
practise actually
actually normally officially originally usually
practise audible
audible incredible responsible sensible accessible collapsible digestible reversible visible
practise assessment
assessment necessary parallel possession interrupt embarrass
practise audience
audience conscience convenience obedience patience

autu- to choc-

word list
autumn business beautiful beginning believe beneath buried caught chocolate
practise caught
caught daughter taught naughty
practise autumn
autumn column solemn condemn hymn
practise beginning
grinning referring travelling dialling stirring winning planning beginning
practise buried
cried dried fried hurried married worried buried
practise beneath
because before behind below beneath beside between beyond
practise chocolate
chocolate separate desperate interesting poisonous definite deliberate

clim- to daug-

word list
climb column concentration conclusion conscience conscious consequence continuous creation daughter
practise climb
climb tomb crumb comb limb numb thumb
practise concentration
relation concentration illustration demonstration relegation dictation education isolation
practise conclusion
explosion decision division conclusion invasion persuasion collision
practise consequence
sequence evidence reference silence presence consequence difference

deci- to emba-

word list
decide decision definite design development diamond diary disappear disappoint embarrass
practise design
gnome gnarled gnash gnat design reign sign
practise development
measurement advertisement movement payment treatment development engagement
practise diary
diary diamond creation reaction violin biology
practise disappoint
disappear disappoint disease dislike disloyal disorder disprove
practise decision
decision acid cigarette cinder cinema city society pencil decide

ener- to fort-

word list
energy engagement enquire evaluation evidence explanation February fierce forty environment
practise energy
energy gym stingy strategy
practise evaluation
pollution relation completion demonstration illustration promotion relegation evaluation
practise fierce
fierce pierced pier cashier
practise enquire
enable encircle enforce engulf enlarge enrich encourage enquire

fulf- to indu-

word list
fulfil furthermore guard happened health height imaginary improvise industrial
practise health
bread breath dead deaf head health instead sweat wealth
practise height
eighty height sleigh weigh weight neigh neighbour
practise industrial
aerial material memorial radial terrestrial industrial
practise happened
happened listened loosened opened fastened frightened ripened
practise imaginary
dictionary library necessary ordinary temporary voluntary imaginary secondary
practise guard
biscuit build disguise guarantee guard guess guest guide guilty guitar

inte- to mean-

word list
interesting interrupt issue jealous knowledge lonely lovely marriage material meanwhile
practise issue
overdue tissue avenue rescue argue continue barbecue value
practise jealous
jealous breakfast measure treasure already deadly
practise lonely
closely bravely lonely safely extremely lovely rudely surely

misc- to part-

word list
miscellaneous mischief modern moreover murmur necessary nervous original parallel participation
practise miscellaneous
miscellaneous simultaneous spontaneous instantaneous
practise mischief
mischief belief relief diesel
practise modern
modern lantern eastern cavern concern pattern
practise murmur
burst murmur church curly turnip hurt
practise nervous
nervous famous continuous carnivorous
practise original
giant gin ginger magic origin original rigid

patt- to poss-

word list
pattern peaceful people performance permanent persuade persuasion physical possession
practise peaceful
faithful colourful peaceful careful harmful useful powerful truthful
practise people
people example couple multiple purple
practise performance
appearance performance attendance clearance disturbance allowance
practise persuade
persuade persuasion persuasive suede
practise physical '-y'
physical gym typical mystery myth sympathy system
practise physical '-ical'
physical chemical political typical electrical medical magical musical

pote- to rece-

word list
potential preparation prioritise process proportion proposition questionnaire queue reaction receive
practise potential
initial potential essential residential
practise process
process announcer decent deception licence recent
practise proposition
proposition position opposition imposition

refe- to sequ-

word list
reference relief remember research resources safety Saturday secondary separate sequence
practise relief
referee record relief remove request rearrange rehearse recollect
practise research
research early heard learn pearl search learning
practise resources
your resources pouring courtroom tourist downpour fourteen

shou- to sure-

word list
shoulder sincerely skilful soldier stomach straight strategy strength success surely
practise shoulder
shoulder boulder mouldy poultry
practise sincerely
Dear Madam faithfully sincerely truly Yours signature
practise stomach
anchor ache chemist Christmas echo scheme school stomach
practise surely
surely leisure measure exposure treasure pleasure

surp- to wome-

word list
surprise survey technique technology texture tomorrow unfortunately Wednesday weight weird women
practise surprise 'sur-'
surprise survey surface surgery surfer survivor
practise surprise '-ise'
surprise clockwise exercise revise televise
practise survey
survey grey prey
practise technology
technician technology technophobia technical polytechnic pyrotechnics technique
practise technique
technique antique unique
practise texture
moisture texture adventure departure capture mixture nature
practise weird
heir their weird

Homophones and confusions

homophones 1
sauce source sights sites too two threw through
homophones 2
aloud allowed braking breaking coarse course practice practise
confusions 1
advice advise brought bought affect effect choose chose to too
confusions 2
are our conscience conscious quiet quite

KS3 some spelling practice

Spelling: vowel choices

mixed /ai/ phoneme
cake paint snail spray flame great train play tray baby
mixed /igh/ phoneme
blind crime wild pie tight thigh try kind slide
mixed /oa/ phoneme
float hope grow throw told stone coast coal stroke coach roll
mixed /oo/ (food) phoneme
grew smooth brute blue threw tooth crude true
mixed /oy/ phoneme
boil annoy poison joint loyal soil employ toilet royal
mixed /ow/ (cow) phoneme
growl mouth now prowl cloud crowd ground sound
mixed /air/ phoneme
fairy wear there chair scare where stairs share bear
mixed /or/ phoneme
sport small launch chalk draw board door snore fourteen
mixed /er/ phoneme
search herb shirt burst burn girl perfect earth
mixed /oo/ (good) phoneme
cook push hood bush hook bull wooden full

Spelling: making plurals

'-s' cry > cries
cries carries dries hurries worries
baby > babies
babies cities daisies families pennies ponies puppies stories
monkey > monkeys
monkeys guys keys boys toys trays ways
half > halves
halves knives loaves shelves thieves wives wolves
roof > roofs
roofs chiefs chefs beliefs cliffs
kiss > kisses
kisses brushes coaches boxes matches
hero > heroes
heroes dominoes echoes cargoes potatoes tomatoes volcanoes
kilo > kilos
kilos photos pianos radios solos videos

Spelling: contractions

I have > I've
I've we've could've should've might've must've
you had, you would > you'd
you'd he'd I'd she'd they'd
do not > don't
don't can't isn't wasn't haven't won't shan't couldn't didn't
shouldn't o'clock they'd shan't they're they've I'm it's

Spelling: prefixes

'co-' together
coerce coexist cooperate
asleep alike along around aside aloud awake across
because before behind below beneath beside between beyond
'dis-' as negative
disagree disappear disease dislike disconnect distrust disorder
forecast forefinger foreground forehead foreman foresee forewarn forecourt
'pre-' before
prehistoric preschool prepacked precooked prefix
're-' do again
renew replace review rehouse replay
'un-' as an opposite
uncertain unfair unfriendly unknown untidy untrue unwell unsafe uncertain unfair unfriendly unknown untidy untrue unwell unsafe
'ex-' out of
exit excluding excursion excavate except export extract
forget forsake forgive forbidden
'im-' without
immediate immense immune immaculate imbalance impede
'per-' through
perforation perfume permit permanent perspire persuade performance persuasion

Spelling: suffixes

hot > hotter > hottest
hotter hottest redder reddest bigger biggest
large > larger > largest
larger largest whiter whitest simpler simplest fiercer fiercest later latest
happy > happier > happiest
happier happiest funnier funniest easier easiest healthier healthiest
'-ful' spoon > spoonful
spoonful armful bucketful cupful mouthful
'-less' care > careless
careless airless breathless aimless countless effortless pointless
'-ness' sad > sadness
sadness fitness goodness kindness sickness carelessness eagerness darkness
'-tion' collect > collection
collection connection election invention suggestion exhibition
'-tion' illustrate > illustration
illustration completion demonstration relation relegation promotion pollution evaluation
sequence evidence reference silence presence consequence difference
excellent independent different urgent absorbent persistent
incredible responsible sensible accessible collapsible digestible reversible visible
'-ous' danger >dangerous
dangerous bulbous poisonous murderous thunderous

Spelling: suffixes for tenses

'-ing' grin > grinning
grinning referring travelling dialling stirring winning planning beginning
'-ing' carpet > carpeting
carpeting happening limiting targeting visiting
'-ing' with eye, -ie, -o, -oe
lying hoeing eyeing shoeing tying vetoing echoing radioing
'-ed' grab > grabbed
grabbed hopped knitted slammed sunned nodded
'-ed' amuse > amused
amused dared dated droned hoped moved
'-ed' cry > cried
cried dried fried hurried married worried buried
'-ed' video > videoed
videoed echoed radioed vetoed

Main Word Lists
DfE National Curriculum 2014 Lists
Phonics - Letters & Sounds Word Lists